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Web Designing
bridging the gap
for non-profits

Bridge It is a boutique consulting firm specializing in helping non-profit organizations maximize their potential. 

We foster rich relationships with our clients to absorb their culture and mission, helping organizations operate more efficiently, realize development goals, and fulfill their missions.

a business model
with advantages

Senior level account leadership by company principal, Martha Mannarino.

Flexibility to build a team of collaborative, best-in-class professionals and specialists as needed.

Competitive rates and one monthly invoice

areas of expertise
strategic planning

Comprehensive analysis and planning with focus on entire organization or development specific


SWOT Analysis. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)


Identification of best strategies to further mission and growth


Engagement of staff and board in essential  processes


Identification of measurable goals, priorities for implementation, and ongoing evaluation

talent development

Determination of gaps in organizational structure and skill sets needed for success


Team member recruitment inclusive of job descriptions, screening, interview process, analysis and recommendations


Development of team training and mentorship


Board fundraising and leadership training


Complete marketing services including messaging, creative development, distribution and execution


Expertise in building and delivering comprehensive campaigns including print, direct mail, electronic communication, social media, and public relations


Data-based decision making and analysis.


Expertise in annual fund, major gifts, grants, and capital campaigns


Year-end campaign expertise


Train organizations to create unique events that are effective in developing loyal donors using the Benevon-model


Stewardship and relationship building


Donor analysis and Identification


Donor data analysis


Manageable fundraising plans with goals, tactics and measurable outcomes.

instructional topics
strategic planning
talent development
marketing and messaging

major gifts:
how to and why

grant funding research, planning, and writing

special events with focus on turning guests into loyal donors

the missing middle

donor identification, development, and relationships

board fundraising and training

successful strategies for annual appeal fundraising success

capital campaigns

sampling of our clients
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